We are an Advertising, Media, Marketing and PR agency based in Spain. BUT WE ARE DIFFERENT because we are not a typical Spanish agency that concentrates mainly on targeting Spanish national or regional business. We help companies target a niche market. The expatriate in Spain, mainly North Europeans. Thus, we could define ourselves as advertising and marketing experts, specialists in targeting expatriates in Spain, including Britons, Germans, Scandinavians, Dutch and Russians. We know the expatriate media in all of Spain including the Canaries, the Balearics, Portugal and Gibraltar. We buy media competitively and pass the savings onto our clients: press, radio, billboards, posters, bus shelters, mupis, litter bins, directional signs, tourist trains, buses, taxis, bicycles and more. We know the media that works through the results provided by our clients. We are creative with an in-house studio for design, copywriting and artworks. We produce work that makes sense and is understood by the target language - in other words, not a Spanish campaign that has been poorly translated! We are involved in a cross section of work from comprehensive media campaigns with the associated creativities; brand awareness campaigns; direct response advertising campaigns; internet micro-sites; all forms of print material; radio campaigns; radio interviews; all aspects of PR from media relations and newsletters to events and exhibitions; community and responsibility projects; and much more besides. Companies use PLC because they recognize the need to have a dedicated team of people for the expatriate segment. That's why we are a professional team of Spanish, British, Russian, Scandinavian and Dutch, because the best way to know the markets is to be part of them.
10 personas en su equipo
Habla Español, Inglés
Trabaja de forma remota en todo el mundo
Miembro de Sortlist desde 2016
Fundado en 1992
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7 servicios ofrecidos por PLC INTER COMMUNICATIONS
Descripción We know the expatriate media in all of Spain including the Canaries, the Balearics, Portugal and Gibraltar.
We buy media competitively and pass the savings onto our clients: press, radio, billboards, posters, bus shelters, mupis, litter bins, directional signs, tourist trains, buses, taxis, bicycles and more.
We know the media that works through the results provided by our clients.(1) Habilidades en Planificación de medios Media buyer
Más información sobre Planificación de mediosDescripción We work on all aspects of PR from media relations and newsletters to events and exhibitions(1) Habilidades en Relaciones Públicas (RRPP) Brand Awareness
Más información sobre Relaciones Públicas (RRPP)Descripción We are a creative and media buying agency based in Spain with in-house creative services.(1) Habilidades en Publicidad Media Buying
Más información sobre PublicidadDescripción No hay ninguna descripción para este servicio.
(1) Habilidades en Branding y posicionamiento de marca Advertising Campaign
Más información sobre Branding y posicionamiento de marcaDescripción No hay ninguna descripción para este servicio.
Más información sobre MarketingDescripción No hay ninguna descripción para este servicio.
Más información sobre ImpresiónDescripción No hay ninguna descripción para este servicio.
Más información sobre Copywriting
10 miembros en el equipo de PLC INTER COMMUNICATIONS
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